вторник, 9 января 2024 г.

7 october massacre. Map of victims

Authorities have identified a total of 274 soldiers and 859 non-soldiers killed during the brutal assault. The latter figure includes 57 Israel Police officers and 38 local security officers. It is unclear which of these individuals were on duty when killed. Removing those victims leaves a figure of 764 civilians.
Partial data by Hebrew media covering the civilians — killed by thousands of invading terrorists and by some of the thousands of rockets fired that day at Israeli cities — reveals that they include two infants, 12 other children under the age of 10, 36 civilians aged 10-19, and 25 elderly people over the age of 80, accounting for 75 of the 764 civilians.
Israel has also named another 15 civilians and members of security forces (not included in the 764 above) who were killed and whose remains are held by terrorists in the Gaza Strip. There are 122 other Israelis and foreigners currently being held hostage in Gaza as a result of the October 7 assault — an unknown number of whom are dead — after a total of 109 hostages were freed by Hamas. Another hostage (a soldier) was rescued alive by IDF forces, and three bodies of slain hostages — two civilians and one soldier — were recovered by Israeli troops and returned to Israel (also to be added to the sum total of Israelis killed on October 7).
An additional seven Israelis are currently listed as missing, with their families having received no information from authorities about whether they were killed or abducted. An unknown number of foreigners are similarly unaccounted for.
An unknown number of bodies — in mid-November the number was around 100 — are still awaiting identification at the Shura pathological center near Tel Aviv, with difficulties in the process arising because of the state of the remains. Some of the remains are believed to belong to Hamas terrorists.
In summary, Israel has officially identified 1,151 people murdered in the Hamas onslaught, with an unknown number of others still awaiting confirmation, and some of the remaining Gaza hostages possibly dead as well.

четверг, 4 января 2024 г.

'Peaceful' and 'innocent' children of Gaza strip

All photos taken from HERE

To be a 'fighter of resistance', you should to grow from deep childhood

And loving mommy will help you

Momma loves her baby
And Daddy loves you too
And the sea may look warm to you, babe
And the sky may look blue

I think, Roger Waters as a fan of so-called 'palestine' will probably like it🤔

Loving mother will teach you how to blow yourself and die like a 'martyr'

These boys were blown up while carrying an improvised explosive device on a scooter, which apparently detonated ahead of time. Both did not survive.

UPD February 2023. 14 years old boy decided 'to fight for freedom' of so-called 'palestine'. With knife against armed police officers

They are 'peaceful' children too!

Look at their happy laugh

To be this happy, you need to play with the right toys

Photos taken from HERE and HERE

Thahk you, UNRWA! His broken life on the conscience of those who allocate funds to you!

UPD https://twitter.com/TarekFatah/status/488331459317362689 Favorite toys in a cradle

They help to prepare being 'martyrs'

Broken young lives😢

This game called 'liberation of palestine'


Role game in palestinian school: "good palestinian little girl and bad jewish soldier"

And then they'll grow up

And life ends before it even begins...

UPD Educational process from muslim's holiday Kurban Bayramı

Traditional values must be taught from deep childhood

This may be usefull in later life, when they might have to cut someone's head🤔

For example, these brothers in faith from 'russian' Dagestan learned their lessons well

What relation does Dagestan have to so-called 'palestine'? H-m-m...🤔

I just had to say

Here please pay attention to 1:32:

Boy speaks like 'as from a Jew':

"We ask Hitler (yes, the boy clearly said the word 'Hitler', what was heard, and there is no doubt in what context), why he left some of you alive? He did so in the order to show us, how wicked you are!"


Those are young Hitler's warrriors from Hitlerjugend There is something similar, isn't it?

There is Amin al-Husseini - Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine. We already familiar with him, like the person, who sitting opposite

"Al-Husseini arrived in Rome on 10 October 1941 (The WW2 already lasted 2 years and so-called 'The Great patriotic war' in USSR was already started)... The Italian foreign ministry approved al-Husseini's proposal, recommended giving him a grant of one million lire, and referred him to Benito Mussolini, who met al-Husseini on 27 October. According to al-Husseini's account, it was an amicable meeting in which Mussolini expressed his hostility to the Jews and Zionism.
Back in the summer of 1940 and again in February 1941, al-Husseini submitted to the Nazi German Government a draft declaration of German-Arab cooperation
On 20 November, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November. Hitler, recalling Husseini, remarked that he "has more than one Aryan among his ancestors and one who may be descended from the best Roman stock." He asked Adolf Hitler for a public declaration that "recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation, and that would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland"

Why i'm not surprized?🤔

Whose money is used to organize such leisure activities? Let's ask UNRWA:

But how convenient it is to arm a child, dream of his 'martyrdom' death, and when he is killed, blame the Israeli military🤔

By the way, be familiar! These youngs from russia. They are called 'Yunarmy' (youth-army). Army of poutin's youths, 'putin-jugend'

The inscription (poetry in russian): "The autorities of eagles has millions of eaglets and the country is proud of us"

😀By the way, you know, what's funny here? In so-called 'russia' it is 'forbidden' to glorify Nazism and Hitler. There is a criminal charge for this. Article of the criminal code 354.1 called 'reabilitation of nazizm'
But, we also know about friendship between HAMAS, Hesbollah and 'russia'

As I can remember, 'The autorities of eagles' looks like this🤔

And who's this? This is so-called 'traditional' russian family


They were 'children' too